I recently received a new flock of Bantam Cochin chickens and this time I decided to keep a rooster in the flock.
Roosters help to keep the flock safe and with a five-year-old at home, we would like to raise baby chicks in the spring. That being said roosters are LOUD, and we live in the suburbs.
I needed a solution to stop my rooster from crowing so loud in order to keep the rooster on our property. Enter the rooster collar.
After reading several articles from people that had neither a rooster nor a flock of chickens, I decided to just go ahead and make the purchase.
The one I selected cost $18, and I purchased it from NO CROW rooster collars.
After a few days of using it, I am pleased with the muffling of the crow.
My Rooster with his NO CROW collar on.

What is a No Crow Collar?
A rooster no crow collar is usually made from cloth and velcro. It is designed to fit snugly around the rooster’s neck to muffle the sound of the crow.
The no crow collar I purchased was made of mesh and velcro seen below.

How Does a Rooster Collar Work?
The NO CROW rooster collar works by limiting the force of a rooster’s crow. The collar prevents them from expelling the contents of their air sacks all at once.
They can still cluck and make any other noises, including a crow, but it is not nearly as loud.
Are Rooster Collars Safe?
When using a rooster collar there are a few important tips to follow, including the most important one, do not over tighten the collar.
You should be able to put your pinky fingertip between the edges of the collar and the rooster’s neck.
I have only used the NO CROW rooster collar, so I cannot vouch for other collars, but my rooster has had no issues with this collar.
It is designed to be flexible to allow for movement, he eats and drinks just fine with it on.
Will My Rooster Wear a Collar?
To be honest, I was worried about just catching the rooster the get the collar on, let alone him keeping it on.
My rooster isn’t used to being handled as much as my hens are, but in the end, the collar was very easy to put on. For the first ten minutes or so he freaked out a bit, backing up and flapping around.
Since the instructions say to put the collar on loosely the first time, that is what we did so he could adjust to having something around his neck.
So far he has kept it on, although the hens are now trying to pull it off for him.

Are Rooster Collars Humane?
If properly following the instructions, allowing your rooster to gradually get used to the collar, not over-tightening the collar, and buying a quality collar then the rooster collar is humane.
The rooster is not in pain or even uncomfortable.
Once he gets used to the feeling of the collar I have noticed that he doesn’t pay it any attention, my rooster isn’t struggling to breathe, eat, or fertilize the chickens.

Does a Rooster Collar Stop the Crowing?
A rooster collar will not completely eliminate the sound of a crowing rooster. Rather the collars are designed to muffle to the sound of the crow, reducing the sound to about the same noise level as hens.
On the 4th day my rooster stopped making any noise and after picking him up I noticed foam coming out of his mouth. I removed the collar and he is just fine.
I realized that I had not changed the food from pellets to crumbles which is important to do if you are going to use a no crow collar of any kind.
After a few daysm I put the rooster collar back on. The sound is muffled compared to no collar at all but you can definitely still hear him. The rooster no crow collar does reduce his overall crowing and sound level. Give it try and see if it works for you.