Can Chickens Survive Winter?

Soon the warm days of summer will become fresh and crisp. Your chickens will have enjoyed every moment of summer with all its green bounty and outside freedom. But soon, it will be winter, and in some areas, that can…
Soon the warm days of summer will become fresh and crisp. Your chickens will have enjoyed every moment of summer with all its green bounty and outside freedom. But soon, it will be winter, and in some areas, that can…
Do chicken feet get cold during the winter? This is a question I have often asked myself when temperatures plunge and water begins to freeze outside. I don’t like the thought of my flock feeling discomfort because of the cold…
There are enough reports of owners finding their chickens dead in swimming pools, ponds, and even large drinking basins to make it easy to assume that these birds cannot swim. But is this really true? Chickens are capable of floating…
Chicken coops come in a wide variety of designs and can be made from various materials. Some chicken owners go to great lengths to design elaborate structures for their chickens. They decorate the chicken coops in carefully chosen styles and…
Perhaps you have just entered the poultry world and bought your first clutch of chicks. You have a heat lamp, feed and water set up, but the baby chicks seem to chirp constantly. Sometimes they are very loud and insistent,…
If you keep backyard chickens, it can be confusing when it comes to what you will need to provide to keep them happy and healthy. One of the questions that come up concerns the use of chicken grit and oyster…
Raising backyard chickens can be a rewarding experience, but it’s important to know what you are getting into. If you want to raise chickens for fresh eggs, or just give your kids the opportunity to learn about farm life raising…
Responsible chicken owners want to provide the best living environment for their chickens. Chicken owners need to consider the space that each chicken requires both inside the coop and outside in the run. Chickens need one to three square feet…
The first thing that should ease your mind is that chickens are diurnal birds; they sleep at night and are active during the day. So you don’t have to worry that one of your chickens woke up for a midnight…
An essential part of keeping chickens is calculating how much feed your flock requires monthly. The amount of food that chickens eat each day is variable and depends on a range of factors, but for the sake of planning and…