Category Backyard Chickens

Best Herbs To Grow For Chickens

thyme herb

Chickens are amazing creatures—nothing quite like a flock of hens free-ranging and sand bathing in the garden. If you have the pleasure of owning chickens currently, you will know that they will eat anything. There is literally nothing safe from…

Guide To Deworming Chickens


Internal parasites make most of us feel a bit squeamish. The thought of a worm infestation in our chicken flock makes us rush off to the nearest agricultural depot searching for deworming products.  Six different types of worms can infect…

What is a Chicken Pecking Order?

bantam chickens in garden bed

If you have ever introduced new chickens to your established coop, you will know that this seldom goes smoothly—your established flock which may normally be quiet, peaceful birds, suddenly revolt. Besides the loud squabbling, what can be more concerning is…